If for any reason you are unsatisfied with your order, by just following a few simple steps we will be happy for you to return the goods back to us as long as they are unworn and all original label and packaging are still attached to the product. Any items purchased in a sale are exchange only & you will not be able to get a refund for this. Any sale item can be exchanged online through email. Returns must be completed within 10 days of receiving your order. Any refund will be refunded in the same method you used originally.
We will aim to process your order within 3-5 days of receiving the returned goods. This process may take longer during public holidays.
Return Delivery Process
When returning goods please make sure that this is done by recorded delivery and that all the information regarding this is sent to us by email as we will not be held responsible for items which are lost or damaged in the process of delivery back to us.
Returns Address: Unit 57, 15 Pollard Yard, Ancoats, Manchester, M40 7FS
Contact : Ink_KingMCR@outlook.com